Podcast Review: Ali on the Run Podcast

As you may have heard I’m a bit of a podcast nut. I’m constantly on the lookout for new shows to tune in on (and because of that I am also constantly behind on my to-listen-to list!). So imagine my excitement when one of my favorite running bloggers, Ali Feller AKA Ali on the Run, announced early last year that she would be starting a podcast! Let me tell you, it was sky-level excitement.

I have been a reader of Ali’s for years and she (unknowingly) has helped me train for a handful of marathons (as well as some of those smaller races) by way of her useful tips, genuine candor, and lovely relationship with her readers. If you’re a runner (or looking to become one!), I highly recommend her blog. She is also a fierce advocate for Crohn’s disease and often details the struggles having this disease affects her with with a grace and directness that I often find missing in the rest of the blog-o-sphere.

Ali’s podcast is now almost 60 episodes in and I eagerly await each and every download! So much so that I desperately want to share it with the world, so here we go… My top 5 favorite episodes (so far):

1. For the Running Fangirl: Episode #51 – Molly Huddle

Some of the athletes Ali has interviewed on her podcast have truly blown me away. Molly Huddle’s was no exception as she’s definitely been an inspiration in the running world for many years. Getting to hear Molly’s take on the relationships between U.S. female distance runners just made me love her even more, and Ali’s great questions really probed more into some deep running moments that I hadn’t previously known from reading other interviews.

2. For the OG Ali on the Run Reader: Episode #1 – Ultramarathoner Emily Halnon

As an avid reader of the now defunct Sweat Once A Day, I was psyched to hear again from Emily Halnon on Ali’s show. Both Emily and Ali were inspirational in my first forays into running a few years back and I can vividly remember getting home from work with no motivation to run or workout in general, reading one of their posts, and immediately lacing up my running shoes to get some miles in. This reunion of sorts filled my heart with joy to hear how well it feels like both their lives are going!

3. For the Running Gear Addict: Episode #48 – Sally Bergesen, CEO & Founder of Oiselle

This was a total running nerd-alert podcast for how much Ali and Sally talked gear. It was great to hear how the Oiselle brand started (as well as learning how to finally properly pronounce the word… anyone else struggle with it?) as well as how it continues to grow, improve, and support the female running community.

4. For Learning About History Being Changed: Episode #13 – Chris Mosier, Transgender Athlete & Advocate

This was one of those immediately-listen-to-the-whole-episode-again as soon as it finished ones for me. There was so much packed into this 80-minute episode that I felt like I had to re-hear it all to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I so appreciated both Ali’s inquisitiveness (in a kind and caring manner) as well as Chris’ openness and sincerity in talking about his transition and all that, that meant for both his running career and personal life.

5. For all the Feels: Episode #57 – Date Night with Ali & Brian, Talking Dreams, Goals, Fear, & Failure

Sob alert! Ali’s 2017 was full to the brim with challenges and you can really hear that throughout her podcast. She brings an amazing sense of herself to the show and (though she may say otherwise) does not seem at all afraid to show her vulnerability to her readers and listeners. This episode epitomizes all of that as a couples-therapy-meets-motivational-speaker kind of episode with her husband, Brian. Not gonna lie, I laughed, I cried, I shouted “Yeah, you can do it!” while driving and listening to this one.

You can find Ali’s podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and everywhere else podcasts are broadcast (I happen to love Overcast).

Need some more podcast recommendations? We’ve got this post about some recent newcomers to our ears and you can see a whole ‘favorite podcasts’ section on this page!

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