Tips & Tricks for Having (and Keeping) a Clean Car

I had the unfortunate experience of parking under a tree and getting sap drops all over my windshield this week. If this has ever happened to you, you realize that it is just the worst substance to try to get off of anything. Using a combo of hand sanitizer, paper towels, and Windex, I was able to get it off and make my windows sparkle again.

As an event planner, I often need to use my car for transport, either moving event supplies or people from place to place. It’s just part of my life now but after several years in this career, I’ve learned that keeping a clean car always really helps me out when unexpected things come up. You never know when you’ll be driving the mother of the bride (aka the person paying you) home from her daughter’s wedding!

These tactics have helped me set up good habits to take care of my car and now I am always proud to have unexpected guests.

Car Wash Subscription Service

I don’t personally do this, but I think it’s a cool concept. I usually wash my car once a month-ish and that works well for me. I park in a garage at work and my husband and I trade off on a garage spot at home. Sure there is plenty of dust in LA but a monthly wash normally works well for me. My sister lives in Western North Carolina and she does subscribe to a service. Between the salt on the road in the winter and the pollen in the summer, it’s very worth it to her to go once a week to get her car washed. If you have a similar situation, it could be worth it for you!

Keep The Windows Clean

I always was my windshield and back window when I get gas. Every time. In between, I use the wipers for sure but that extra was on gas days makes a huge difference. Sometimes you don’t even realize that the windows are dirty until you wipe them clean.

I think it’s also really important to keep the wipers themselves clean (you can use soapy water and rubbing alcohol) to be sure that they will work effectively. If they are clean but still not doing the job, you may need to replace them. It’s an easy thing you can do yourself (just search YouTube for your car and I bet someone’s made a video). I love that Amazon lets you have a virtual “garage” where they keep track of what cars you own and will tell you if the part you’ve added to your cart fits your car.

Don’t Use Your Car as Storage

This is such a big thing to keep in mind. It is really easy to leave behind items in your car and especially if it’s in the back seat or trunk, you don’t think about it until you either need the thing or need to put something else in your car. I think it really has to do with creating good habits. If you don’t keep things in your car as storage, you’ll remember to take the new items you add day-to-day out of the car with you when you leave it. I limit myself to a few items in my glove compartment (phone charger, individual packets of kleenex and cleaning wipes, and a pen) and a yoga mat/small gym bag in the trunk. I’ve decided that I have a better chance of going to yoga spontaneously on my way home from work if I am prepared to do so and that to me is worth storing it in my car.

Have a Trash Plan

In the same vein as keeping your car free of items and not letting it be a storage space, you also need to remember to take out the trash! You can buy a small car trash can very cheaply or just use your cupholder and remember to take it out as soon as you park. If you go the small trash can route, it usually works well to empty the trash each time you get gas.

Vacuum When You Wash

It’s so easy to skip the step of vacuuming your car when you get it washed but oh it is so lovely to have the inside clean too! If you wash your car at home or want an alternative, you can also invest in a cordless vacuum and do it at home. You may just find a few more uses for it in your house too!

Does anyone else have great tips for keeping your car clean? Let us know in the comments!

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