Easy Film Locations to See While on a Trip to Los Angeles

Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world and one of our favorite things to do here when we have parents in town or when we are playing tourist-for-a-day is to check out film locations. We’ve mapped out a few of our favorite easy-to-get-to film locations from classic Hollywood films.

If you are planning a trip to LA, this is also a great list of movies to watch before you arrive to get in the spirit of the city!


La La Land

If you are a fan of the city of angels, you’ve probably seen La La Land. This heart-lifting film is a musical love letter to the city and naturally, there are tons of film locations to see in person during your visit. We’ve plotted out a few favorites that are free to see and easily located near spots you’ll probably be near anyway.

Pretty Woman

Another Hollywood classic, this movie is one of the first ones you’ll think of when planning a trip to LA. And luckily some of the most iconic locations are easy to see!

The Italian Job

One of our favorite heist movies, The Italian Job is famous for the Mini Cooper car chase through Hollywood and into the Subway Station.

500 Days of Summer

Our favorite non-romance romance, 500 Days of Summer not only stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel but also casts the city of Los Angeles and its stunning architecture as the main character. These are some can’t-miss sights from the film.


If you know anything about Los Angeles, you know that driving is the key mode of transportation. We’re all in our cars all the time, and we all want to be just like Ryan Gosling all the time.

The Big Lebowski

Walk where the “Dude” walked, see what the “Dude” saw. We love this movie and getting to recreate some of the now-famous scenes in person is a fan favorite! If you are really dedicated, there’s even a “Big Lebowski Tour” you can self-guide through.


As an intro to life in Los Angeles before either of us lived here, it was always so exciting to drive by Circle Liquor when we first moved to the city! Even now, Laura lives down the road from Occidental and swoons whenever she walks by Heather’s Dorm.

Anyone else have favorite locations to check out in Los Angeles? Let us know in the comments!

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